The Woolf’s WriteCon Events Team


JJ Marsh – Moderator

Author / Journalist / Alliance of Independent Authors Swiss rep

JJ Marsh is the author of The Beatrice Stubbs series, featured in The Guardian Readers’ Recommend and The Bookseller’s Editor’s Choice.

Jill is:

  • A founder member of Triskele Books, an award-winning author collective founded in 2011. In addition to publishing 21 books, Triskele creates initiatives to support other writers, eg The Indie Author Fair and The Big Five Competition.
  • Swiss Ambassador for The Alliance of Independent Authors
  • Co-editor of The Woolf, Zürich’s literary ezine and writers’ workshop
  • Journalist for Words with JAM, the magazine for writers.
  • Reviewer for Bookmuse, the readers’ site with a difference.

Originally from Wales, Jill spent time in Africa, the Middle East, Portugal and France before finally settling in Switzerland with her husband and dogs. Nowadays, in an attic overlooking a cemetery, she writes crime.

Libby O’Loghlin – Moderator

Novelist + Poet / Media Literacy Educator / Speaker + Writing Coach

Libby is co-founder of The Woolf Quarterly and WriteCon. She has written, produced and reviewed narrative media (radio, film, TV, gaming, digital and print publishing) for 20+ years, and is a prize-winning short story writer, whose debut novel for Young Adults, Charlotte Aimes (Mystery Adventure), was longlisted for the Bath Children’s Novel Award in 2015. She is co-writer of The Expansion (Political Spy Thriller) series, released 2017.

Libby is a trained coach and facilitator and is co-founder and board member of The Powerhouse Network for Professional Women in Zürich. She is the owner of Rowing Girl Productions.

A native Australian, Libby has also lived in the USA, the UK and Malaysia. She now lives in Switzerland with her husband and teenaged kids.

Susan Platt – Web and Tech Woolf

Writer / Small Business and Web Advisor / Entrepreneur

A Swiss native, Susan is a multilingual communications professional, business executive, word and tech nerd.

She was part of the original launch and editorial team behind Swiss movie magazine close-up! and has written, ghostwritten and edited for several publications and in-house magazines in English, German, French and Italian.

Susan is a co-founder of Swisspaleo, a board member of The Powerhouse Network for Professional Women in Zürich and blogs yonder at  SwissSmallBizBootcamp.